Planting Flour Sieves Step-by-Step

A tour of a local garden centre in late winter invariably produces a variety of small bulbs, potted and in bud, ready for planting in larger displays — amongst them, cyclamen, windflowers, dwarf daffodils, scillas and chionodoxa. These blend perfectly with annual violas, Bellis perennis in white, pink or red shades, and small ivies which will take over from when bulbs are over, creating a display that lasts for up to several months. A brief internet search reveals a selection of possible bentwood sieves, sifters and colanders, vintage or modern, and ranging in diameter from approximately 18cm—30cm, and in heights up to 18cm. These containers hold a limited amount of soil, so it is essential to use a soil-based compost rich in nutrients to keep the display going and retain moisture well.

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