Sam’s Garden August

Enclosed on all sides, the 9m x 12m space is filled with vivid evergreens such as the tall Trachycarpus palm, Australian tree fern, huge-leaved rice paper plant, loquat tree or cordyline lord it over dwarf fan palms, brightly coloured coleus, cannas and agapanthus. A terrace immediately abutting a modern kitchen extension is veiled by an arch and low fence smothered in fragrant star jasmine. Unusually, Sam has opted for black paint on the fences to provide a backdrop that shows off the architectural planting at its best. The central area is laid with a circular path of a composite flooring material that encloses a bed planted with colourful crocosmias and lilies. Tucked away in the furthest corner is Sam’s potting shed which overlooks a small circular still pool.

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