Christmas Wreath Step by Step

Wreaths are rich in symbolism, once a sign of victory but now synonymous with Christmas cheer and creating a warm welcome for friends and family. It may be cold outdoors, but nature is the best place to start looking for inspiration, for rose hips and hops in hedgerows, teasels in wasteland or fir cones in woods — both beautified by a spray of silver or gold paint. When it comes to gathering foliage, it is best to avoid the poisonous berries or seeds of holly, mistletoe, ivy and yew, if there are inquisitive pets and young children about. From the garden, gather and dry cardoon flowers, chillies, rosemary or honesty, not forgetting the many online suppliers of dried decorations such as lemon slices, mini pumpkins, star anise and cinnamon sticks.

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